
Flex wheeler triani gsplit
Flex wheeler triani gsplit

flex wheeler triani gsplit


Within 10 weeks he hit a 900 pound raw squat in training! Most powerlifters would scoff at the idea of taking a full 6 months off squatting but you can’t argue with results!Īfter 3-6 months of training like a bodybuilder Stan would start his next powerlifting training cycle. After 6 months he shifted gears and started training for a powerlifting contest. He was training for a bodybuilding contest and was relying on the leg press and other machine exercises to bring up his quads.

flex wheeler triani gsplit

Stan once went a full 6 months without performing a single squat.

flex wheeler triani gsplit

In fact Stan never performed the competition powerlifts during his bodybuilding training cycles! He didn’t care what his 1-rep max was in the squat, bench press or deadlift because it wasn’t relevant to his goal. When Stan was training for a bodybuilding contest he was 100% focused on building muscle and losing body fat. If you don’t believe me here is Stan Efferding himself discussing this topic with his powerlifting mentor Marc Bell: This may sound like a cop-out answer but Stan is telling the truth! In reality he only ever trained for one sport at a time. Stan Efferding often gets asked how he managed to compete in the highest levels of bodybuilding and powerlifting at the same time. Part 1: Alternating Accumulation And Intensification Phases Note: if you have any trouble reading the workout routines in this article then please consult this article. Trust me, you won’t find this level of detail on Stan Efferding’s training program anywhere else. You will learn exactly how Stan structures his workouts when he is training for bodybuilding vs when he is training for powerlifting.


In this comprehensive guide I will teach you everything you need to know about how to alternate back and forth between high volume and low volume phases of training like Stan Efferding. When Stan was training for his powerlifting competitions he did the opposite: he lifted much heavier on a smaller number of exercises and rested for several minutes between sets. When Stan was preparing for his bodybuilding competitions he trained with lots of sets, lots of reps, a huge variety of exercises and short rest intervals.

flex wheeler triani gsplit

Stan alternated periods of high-volume bodybuilding style training with periods of low-volume powerlifting style training. So how did he pull this off? How did Stan manage to compete at the highest levels in two completely different sports? I believe a huge part of it had to do with Stan’s unique take on program design. Stan Efferding was so strong that he was crowned the official “World’s Strongest Bodybuilder.” Not even Johnnie Jackson could match Stan’s super-human strength! He was a world-class bodybuilder and powerlifter, something that very few people have ever pulled off. Stan Efferding is one of the brightest minds in the fitness industry. Part 8: Powerlifting Routine Deadlift Routine.Part 7: Powerlifting Bench Press Routine.Part 2: Bodybuilding And Powerlifting Are Complementary Sports.Part 1: Alternating Accumulation And Intensification Phases.Learn the secrets of the Stan Efferding training program and take your training to a whole new level! Stan Efferding is best known for his “Vertical Diet.” However, I find his training advice to be even more valuable than his nutrition advice.

Flex wheeler triani gsplit